Although I fasted all day yesterday, I only managed to lose about two pounds. It’s frustrating not to eat for an entire day and not lose much weight—although losing two pounds is better than losing none. I’m perplexed by the variability in pounds lost on fasting days. It seems that the range for weight loss on those days is between two and four pounds, but I have no idea what factors contribute to that variability.

I’ve been bouncing around the 250-pound mark for about a month now. My eating patterns on the weekends have regularly sabotaged my efforts during the week, so I’ll have to try eating the same way on Saturdays and Sundays as I do on non-fasting weekdays. I hate having to do that because eating the same thing all the time is boring, but something has to change so that I’m not regaining most of the weight I’ve lost during the week on the weekends.

My goal is to be back down to 245 pounds by the end of the week, and, more importantly, not to gain anything during the weekend. If I can be more disciplined on Saturdays and Sundays, perhaps I can sustain a more consistently downward trend. I’m going to set a target weight of 230 pounds for the end of the month, and then I’ll need to figure out how to accelerate the weight loss during the last month of this project. I’d like to be under 200 pounds by the end of June, but, of course, I’ll extend the project if that doesn’t happen.

I don’t have much more to say today for some reason. My job continues to be barely tolerable, and that reality is taking a significant toll on me. It’s hard to spend so much time doing something that brings so little reward except for money to pay the bills. I’ve never had a job that felt particularly rewarding to me—probably because I’ve never had a job that utilized the one thing that I’m good at—so I need to be brave and figure out how to make my way toward something more fulfilling.

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