I fasted most of the day yesterday and had my giant vegetarian salad for dinner last night. Once again, I was REALLY tempted to stop by P. Terry’s on the way home from work, but I successfully resisted (this time). And, this morning, I weighed in two pounds lighter, so I’ve lost nearly six pounds this week. Of course, my starting point was higher than it should have been, but at least I’m getting close to 240 pounds again. If I can be good this weekend and next week, I’ll likely be somewhere in the 230-pound range, and getting there has been a long time coming.
Work still sucks (although I got a bit of good news yesterday), but the friend issue has been resolved, so I’m a little less stressed out today. Given that my bad eating habits stem from psychological distress, I’ll probably be including regular mentions of my anxiety and depression levels from now on. I don’t know why it wasn’t more obvious to me that emotional discomfort was the root of my unhealthy eating until I started this project, but it’s clear now that it’s by far the biggest factor. Yes, I like things that taste good, and I definitely have an addiction to sugar, but the drive to eat too many sugar and carbohydrate-laden foods comes from psychological turmoil.
I’m over 100 days into this project, and while I haven’t made the rapid, linear progress I’d hoped to make, I think that’s actually been somewhat helpful. Sticking to an extremely rigid diet for a prolonged period of time just isn’t sustainable, and I wouldn’t have learned as much if I’d actually been able to do that. And I would have been miserable.
So the SMART goal (https://tinyurl.com/435p2r4b) that I decided on after I gained too much weight this past weekend was to make it through two weeks without any egregious unhealthy eating. Counting today, I still have 11 days to go, but I’m going to do my best to achieve that goal. I need to get back into a more disciplined mode, and I think reaching that target will do that. We’ll see…