I was sort of good yesterday. I didn’t eat anything until after work, and all I had was a vegetarian salad and some peanut butter. The peanut butter was probably a bit too much, but it was there, so I ate it. Despite being sort of good, I weigh exactly the same this morning as I did yesterday morning. Salads, of course, have a lot of water and fiber in them, so maybe I’ll be lighter after my morning coffee triggers the Poop Effect.
I haven’t yet had my morning coffee, so I’m not going to write much today as my brain doesn’t seem to be quite online yet. I do feel the need to acknowledge some challenges for the weekend: pizza and ice cream sales. Because of the Fourth of July (which was on Thursday), there are a lot of sales going on at grocery stores and restaurants. Chances are that I’ll take advantage of them, so my best hope is not to gain too much (or any) weight.
It’s fortunate that I have a training class for the next couple of weeks because the last two have been filled with a ton of anxiety and frustration. The anxiety stems from the work I do, and the frustration stems from the reality that it’s not the kind of work I want to do. Lately, it feels like my brain is just burned up from chronic stress, so I need to start making exit plans. As a result of that chronic stress, it’s been hard to stick to healthy eating. I crave sugar and carbohydrates when I’m suffering from a lot of anxiety, and it’s become clear that I need to either learn how to better manage that anxiety or remove myself from the situation causing the anxiety.
Anyway, I have to go make coffee…