I’m posting late today because I just didn’t get around to doing it earlier for some reason. I got up, did laundry, and went to the grocery store before realizing I hadn’t yet posted today. And then I wasn’t terribly motivated to post because I don’t really have anything to write about and have no good news to report.

I succumbed to the lure of mac and cheese (and chocolate-covered almonds) again after stopping by HEB after work yesterday evening. For lunch yesterday, I had coffee with too much flavored syrup and a couple of chocolate-chip cookies, so there really wasn’t any healthy eating at all for the entire day, which explains why I gained almost two pounds.

Today was an absolute disaster in terms of eating, so I’ll have bad news to report after tomorrow’s weigh-in. In a nutshell, my trip to the grocery store this morning included picking up a couple of bakery items and some (too much) ice cream. I did get some fruit, but my purchases were overwhelmingly bad choices.

I was supposed to meet a friend this evening, but she’s flakey and apparently forgot (again). That sort of flakiness is always irritating (and I’m not sure why I continue to put up with it), but at least I avoided eating any fast food with her.

I’ll try to be good tomorrow. Or at least better than I was today.

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