Yesterday was another stressful and frustrating day at work. I’ve been feeling pretty overwhelmed and burned out lately, and as a result I haven’t been very disciplined at all with regard to basic stuff. I don’t go back to my regular schedule at work until next week, and the current schedule has made it hard to get to the gym. And my eating has been pretty much mindless for weeks now.

I had a sandwich for lunch at the cafeteria yesterday. I decided to get coffee after lunch and for some reason decided that yesterday would be a good day to try the gelato bar. After work, I ate dinner. I’m embarrassed to write that I had shepherd’s pie again, but it was a quick fix that I picked up from the grocery store on the way home.

I didn’t exactly behave yesterday in terms of eating, but still I was surprised to step on the scale this morning and be four pounds heavier. It’s disappointing to have regained much of the weight I lost last week, and I feel rather rudderless at this point of this project. I’ll need to refocus soon and get back to eating healthy on a consistent basis.

That’s all I have for now. I’ll try to do better today.

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