Because I got so off-course on Saturday evening, I didn’t really have much of an eating plan for Sunday. Somehow, despite ending yesterday’s eating by going to P. Terry’s (I also had an apple and some almonds during the day), I still lost three pounds. I suspect that some of the weight gained on Saturday was water weight due to the sodium in the pizza cheese, but still I wasn’t expecting to be down by three pounds after Sunday.
I’m going back to my vegetarian salad tonight, will try to eat very little tomorrow night, and then have another salad Wednesday night. If I can stick to that plan, I may finally be able to get under 240 pounds by Thursday morning. I lament that the weekdays are so stressful due to work, but being busy at work does help me avoid unnecessary eating. The challenge is avoiding unhealthy eating after work when I’m frazzled.
I really need to figure out the work situation because I’m not getting much else done. I do a lot of work outside of work in an effort to be better at my job, so my work/life balance involves too much work. Even if I didn’t have that “work after work,” though, spending 40 or more hours at a job I hate just isn’t healthy. I’ve decided I need more revenue streams, but it’s hard to make much headway on those when I feel overwhelmed by work-related nonsense.
While I know that keeping busy with work does have its advantages, I just wish how I spend the bulk of my weekdays was actually enjoyable. As it is, work is barely tolerable, and the stress from it is something I tend to soothe with things like chocolate-covered almonds or cheeseburgers. I have to stick it out for now, though, but eventually I need to come up with an exit strategy because what I’m doing now just isn’t sustainable.
That’s all I’ve got for today. I’ll try to be good for the next few days and see what happens.