I was good yesterday. After fasting until I got off work, I had some raw almonds followed by some yogurt and blueberries. I probably ate too many almonds, but at least they weren’t the chocolate-covered variety I’ve become so addicted to. Anyway, I’m two pounds lighter today. I’m closing in on 240 pounds, but not quite there yet. I’ll limit myself to a giant vegetarian salad tonight, and hopefully I’ll be close to that mark tomorrow.

I don’t know what to do about the weekends. Because I meet up with a friend on Saturdays and we usually have something to eat together, it’s hard to avoid falling off the healthy eating wagon. I had a thought this morning on how to eat so that I’ll actually lose weight rather than gain it on the weekends, but it’s hard to do if I have some sort of social interaction. Obviously, I’m not going to give up the social interaction, though.

Anyway, my thought for the weekends was the following: if I eat a reasonable breakfast early Saturday morning and don’t eat again until late Sunday evening, I can pull off a 36-hour fast. Doing that would likely result in a weight loss of at least three or four pounds. Given that the weekends have been when I’ve typically forgone healthy eating, I think that just resolving not to eat at all for 36 hours might work since it’s when I give myself some leeway that I tend to slide down the slippery slope to unhealthy eating.

Work continues to be a pain in the ass. I feel like Sisyphus pushing that rock uphill only for it to roll down again. Yesterday, I was perusing my bookshelves looking for a particular book when I got depressed because I realized that I don’t have enough time to read all the books I haven’t read. And it once again occurred to me that I’m wasting my time toiling away at something I pretty much despise. What I do for work now is in no way related to what I want to be doing, and that’s both frustrating and disheartening. I need to figure out a way to get out of this pattern of working at soul-sucking jobs that only take time away from me without giving me anything positive in return (other than money).

Anyway, getting back to this project, my new goal (which is really an old goal at this point) is to get below 240 pounds by Monday. We’ll see…

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