I got off-track early yesterday. I went to Trader Joe’s to get some raw almonds and some coconut almond creamer for my coffee, and, as usual, that’s not all I left with. For some reason, a small package of bite-sized brownies caught my eye. I’d seen them before but had never tried them, and somehow in the moment I rationalized getting them. And then I found some pizza bites in the frozen foods section (where I had no business at all being). Since they were new and I hadn’t had them before, I was intrigued. Anyway, I ended up having “breakfast,” which I usually don’t eat, and it consisted of tiny brownies and pizza bites. And that was only the first misstep of the day.

I meet up with my friend on Saturdays, and I take her grocery shopping since she doesn’t drive. We’d had pizza the previous Saturday, so pizza was on my mind (even after the pizza bites in the morning). When we finally got to the grocery store (she tends not to stick to plans or schedules very well), one of the things she picked up was some creme brulee ice cream—despite her trying to lose weight as well. So, of course, when we got back to her place, we had to “sample” the ice cream. And, later, because my mind was still stuck on pizza, I ordered one. And that was how I gained three pounds.

I violated my two cardinal rules (no sugar and no flour) more than once yesterday, so I’m not surprised I gained weight. I also didn’t fast at all since I had breakfast, snacked on almonds in the afternoon, and ate pizza and ice cream for dinner. The pizza wasn’t even worth it. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t premium pizza and could have easily been avoided if I hadn’t been so set on having pizza. When I think about it, nothing I ate was spectacular (although the ice cream was delicious), so I shouldn’t have so easily abandoned any sense of temperance.

I’m going to try to fast all day today, and then I’ll probably have something quick and unhealthy for dinner as I tend to avoid the madhouse that is my nearby grocery store on Sundays. But, I have to have some sort of plan for the next two weeks. I have to be more disciplined. This project is almost four months old, and I’ve only lost 30 pounds. At the very least, I expected to be down by 40 pounds at this point, but I’ve been stuck for probably over a month now. I need to get unstuck.

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