I went to Trader Joe’s yesterday to get some coconut almond coffee creamer. I returned home with the creamer and a bunch of calorie and carbohydrate-laden stuff, mostly in the form of baked goods. As usual, I had planned to spread the consumption of those sugar and flour-loaded items over yesterday and today, but they were mostly gone by the end of yesterday. As a result, I’m about five pounds heavier this morning than I was yesterday morning.

The sugar and flour combination is a dietary disaster for me. I noticed that quite a while ago and have mentioned it more than once here, so I’m not sure why I keep succumbing to temptation regarding foods made primarily of flour and sugar.This pattern has got to be broken somehow; I’m just not sure what it’s going to take.

I did work on my back yard yesterday (pulling weeds), so at least I expended a bit more energy than I typically expend on the weekends. Still, it wasn’t nearly enough, and I’ve got to get back in the habit of exercising on Saturdays and Sundays. This should be easy since I’ve obviously got more time for it on the weekends, but somehow it gets lost in the list of all of the stuff I have to catch up on once the work week has ended.

I’ve got to have my second cup of coffee, so I’ll end here. The healthy eating begins again tomorrow.

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