Yesterday was a fasting day, and I lost three pounds. I plan to fast on Wednesday and Friday as well, and my hope is that I can be down nine pounds at the end of the week. (I’m also hoping that I can figure out how to avoid gaining any of it back this weekend.) I’ve been frustrated by the lack of recent progress, but it’s not exactly a mystery why I’ve been stuck at the weight range I’ve found myself in during the last couple of weeks.
I woke up this morning at 3:30 am, couldn’t fall back to sleep, and finally decided to get out of bed 30 minutes later. I usually go to bed at midnight, so these bouts of waking up far too early are frustrating. While I tend to blame early rising on stress when it happens, I’ve also noticed that I wake up early after a fasting day. I’m not sure why this is since my stomach isn’t growling and I’m not particularly hungry, but it’s been a noticeable pattern.
I’m going to try to see if I can actually lose a bit of weight today despite it being a non-fasting day. It’s difficult for me to determine why I rarely lose weight on weekdays during which I eat because I tend to stick to yogurt and blueberries in the morning and a salad with grilled chicken in the evening. Weekends are a different story, of course—I can pinpoint why I’ve been gaining weight at the end of the week (too much food, too much sugar, too much grazing, etc.)—but I’m mystified by the lack of weight loss on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It doesn’t seem like I’m consuming too many calories, but apparently I am.
What I have noticed on days on which I eat is that I’m worrying about the next day (if it’s a fasting day). There’s something about not wanting to feel hungry (or maybe satiated is a better word) after eating because I know the next day I’ll definitely feel hungry (although I don’t pay attention to the hunger pangs as much as I used to). I like feeling satisfied after eating, but I may need to work on being OK with feeling as though I haven’t eaten enough.
This post isn’t terribly interesting, so I’ll put it out of its misery here. I just don’t think my brain is quite awake yet for posting anything more stimulating. Maybe tomorrow will be different.