Despite yesterday being a fasting day, I only lost a couple of pounds. It’s frustrating to go without food for an entire day and not lose much weight. However, I’m down seven pounds for the week, and I still have Friday to fast, so I may yet make it to my goal of losing nine pounds by the week’s end.

My current weight is the lowest it’s been in the past year. This fact is indicative of just how poor my eating habits have been up until recently. It’s stunning to me, actually, to realize that I’ve been significantly overweight for over two years now. As I’ve said before, I’m not good at assessing my own size; my primary cue telling me how big I am is which notch I use on my belt. Fortunately, the notch has changed a couple of times recently.

I’m mystified by something I’ve observed recently (and mentioned previously): I wake up extremely early on the days after a fasting day. This past week, I’ve woken up at 3 am twice, with each time following a day of no eating. And I’m not starving when I wake up—it’s not like my body is panicking because I haven’t had food—but there’s got to be something going on. And last night I couldn’t fall asleep until about 1 am, so I’m operating on two hours of sleep. I’ll have to investigate this phenomenon further since sleep problems (and my sleep quality is poor even when my sleep quantity is normal) are associated with weight gain.

I don’t really have much else to say today (probably because my brain isn’t completely awake yet), but I do plan to try my experiment from Tuesday again. I’ll break my fast with yogurt and blueberries, munch on more of the assorted nuts and seeds I bought earlier this week, and stop by P. Terry’s for a burger on the way home from work. Hopefully I’ll be able to sleep after that.

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