I fasted all day yesterday and lost three pounds. I’m not sure why the amount of weight lost on a fasting day fluctuates between two to four pounds, but I obviously wish the weight loss always fell on the higher side of that range. Breakfast this morning consisted of the usual yogurt and blueberries (I should mention that the yogurt is unsweetened, full-fat Greek yogurt) plus some cashews. I’m trying to curb the nut consumption since nuts, while packed with nutrients, are high in calories, but I currently have a lot of them because I bought them specifically to add to salads. I have yet to add them to my salads, though, and just snacking on them does me no favors.
I’ve been looking into the Mediterranean diet recently, not only because of its positive weight and longevity attributes, but because it’s linked to protection of cognitive function, specifically lowering the risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease (see https://tinyurl.com/4t2c2afp). However, one of the primary components of the Mediterranean diet (as I understand it, anyway) is seafood. I detest seafood. Still, I’ll look into it and take from it the components that suit me.
I have a birthday party to attend tonight, so there will be no careful watch of what I eat (or drink). I will, however, not eat between now (morning) and then (late evening), and that should at least help curb calorie consumption. The same friend is having a second birthday celebration Saturday of next week (she has a lot of friends), so the eating situation will be the same when that event rolls around. I’m also having lunch with a friend this coming Friday, and the diet rules don’t apply for social events, so next week may be a bit challenging.
I’m behind the pace I set for myself, which means I’ll have to tighten things up. I’ve been a bit sloppy at times during this journey but will try to exercise more self-discipline going forward. While I have a long way to go to reach my goal of losing 80 pounds, I’m proud that I’ve been able to keep trying and keep up with the daily documentation of this project. The latter is an exercise in self-discipline in and of itself, and being able to do it has been at least a small victory.