I got to eat yesterday (yay!), and I didn’t gain any weight (yay!). In fact, I lost close to a pound despite too much sampling of the cashews and cheese I bought to put in my nightly salad. Today is a fasting day, so I’m hoping to be a few pounds lighter tomorrow. Friday is also a fasting day, and my goal is to be down to 245 pounds by the weekend.
The big challenge is the weekend. Saturdays and Sundays have been rather disastrous in terms of weight gain. I’m going to do my best to avoid sugar and any of those other “bad” carbohydrates (technically called simple carbohydrates). I still insist on eating some fruit on non-fasting days, but the fiber in fruits like apples slows the digestion of the fructose in them, and this avoids the spike in blood glucose levels and the corresponding insulin response. These fruits contain “good” carbohydrates (technically complex carbohydrates) as well as a ton of phytonutrients, so there’s no reason to feel guilty about eating an apple.
I do know that even the meager 25 grams or so of complex carbohydrates from an apple will temporarily halt ketosis because the body now has a bit of its preferred fuel source: glucose. However, my guess is that the amount of glucose resulting from the breakdown of fructose from the apple is burned rather quickly (although I’d like to know just how quickly the body exhausts that small amount). I know that people following the ketogenic diet tend to avoid fruit entirely so their bodies remain in ketosis, but the benefits of consuming a little fruit (fiber, phytonutrients, etc.) are worth it to me, and I think my body will shift back into a ketogenic state soon enough.
This will once again be a shorter post than usual. I find myself struggling to find things to write about. My sleep continues to be terrible (although slightly less terrible this week), so my brain is always a bit foggy. That fogginess of brain combined with lethargy of body isn’t good for motivation, so the drive to write more exhaustive posts just isn’t there. I’ll try to think of something new to write about later this week.