I lost three pounds after fasting all day yesterday, so I’m back under 245 pounds again. I’ll be fasting on Wednesday and Friday, too, so I should be able to get down to 240 before the weekend. While I’m a bit perturbed that I’m not lighter at this point in my little project, my lapses in self-discipline have been the culprit, and at least I’ve been gradually taming those.

Yesterday was another frustrating day at work, and I was very tempted to stop by P. Terry’s for a cheeseburger after work. I didn’t, though, and probably strengthened my self-discipline by resisting. I try to keep in mind that I need to keep teaching my brain to follow my better instincts and make the healthy choice when tempted with thoughts of cheeseburgers (or pizza, chocolate, ice cream, etc.). Eventually, resisting temptation has to become a habit.

Despite resisting yesterday, however, I do plan to stop by P. Terry’s after work tonight for a cheeseburger only (no fries). I’m kind of fascinated by the fact that each time I’ve done this recently, I’ve actually lost a bit of weight. It’s not a good practice, of course, but it does alleviate the boredom that comes from eating salads all the time. I’ll have an apple and maybe some steamed broccoli with the cheeseburger to make sure I get enough fiber. I think the reason I’ve decided to do this tonight is that I need something to look forward to while I’m toiling away at a job I hate.

My sleep was interrupted at least a couple of times last night, so my brain is foggier than usual. I can’t think of anything else to write, so I’ll make this a short post and try to make up for it tomorrow.

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