I did fulfill my commitment to stopping by P. Terry’s after work last night. Unfortunately, I did get fries with my cheeseburger (which I hadn’t planned on doing), and I had a pretty good-sized portion of steamed broccoli with cheese sauce after finishing the burger and fries. The result is that I gained a bit of weight, although it was less than a pound. Some of that weight is hopefully just from the fiber in the broccoli, but otherwise I’m not sure why I gained anything when I hadn’t done so with previous similar indulgences. All that sodium, of course, is probably causing some water retention, so that may be skewing things a bit.

Today is a fasting day, so I’m hoping to lose at least three pounds. Friday will be another fasting day, so if I lose another three pounds then, I’ll be under 240 pounds by Saturday. The question, as always, is how the weekend will go. I do plan on indulging in a slice of pizza Saturday (and maybe Sunday) because that craving keeps popping up. Given that I haven’t had pizza since this project began, I’m not going to be too hard on myself for giving in to temptation.

I continue to have more brain fog than usual lately. That my sleep is garbage is a given, so I’m not sure what’s making it worse recently. My suspicion is that the stress of my job is at least partially responsible, and I need to put more effort into trying to manage that anxiety or finding a new job. While I like technology, I have generally hated working in the tech industry because of the stress and the lack of work/life balance. At some point, I need to start working toward exiting the tech sector so I can do something that’s actually rewarding to me.

This will be another short post since my brain is stuck in the mud. More later…

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