In terms of maintaining weight, which has been a challenge on the weekends, yesterday was not a good day. I did satisfy my craving for pizza, however. Even a personal pizza from Via 313, though, probably contains at least 3,000 calories, so losing any weight just wasn’t going to happen. Additionally, I visited a friend who also had pizza, and she offered some. I’m not sure why I took her up on her offer, though, other than it was there. This friend also got ice cream late at night, and she shared that as well, so the calorie (and carbohydrate) count for the day just kept climbing. Unless it’s a fasting day, I’m not very good at resisting offers of things like pizza and ice cream, especially if I’ve already abandoned the diet for the day.

I did pick up some apples, mandarin oranges, and kefir at Whole Foods in the morning. The kefir was new to me, but I got it in my head that I needed some probiotics, so it ended up in my basket. The problem was that, in addition to the peach puree, it had some added sugar, so I should have avoided it. The mandarin oranges could probably have been avoided, too, but I rationalized their purchase by focusing on their water and fiber content. Still, despite planning to spread the consumption of both the kefir and the oranges across Saturday and Sunday, the sweetness of them was too much of a temptation for me, and they were gone by the end of the day.

I guess I should be glad that I only gained three pounds given the amount of food consumed by the end of the day. As I’ve said before, I need to limit my eating on the weekends to just one meal each day. Spreading it out just results in overconsumption and wrecks the progress made over the week.

I got less than five hours of sleep last night, and, as usual, it was garbage, so my brain is especially foggy this morning. I’m going to try eating one meal per day for the next week rather than fasting two or three days because I’m just tired of going entire days without eating. I guess I’ll basically be taking a break from the diet, and hopefully I can return to it with more motivation after a week off. Perhaps a more moderate approach will help me stick to it better.

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