Well, I tried the P. Terry’s experiment last night, and this time, rather than losing a bit of weight, I gained a bit. I did have an apple and some steamed broccoli with cheese sauce again, but I also finished off the American “cheese” and most of the remaining cashews from Tuesday. Oh, and I ate some more peanut butter straight from the jar. I think the cheese, cashews, and peanut butter added up to more calories than I thought they would, hence the weight gain.

I guess it’s back to boring vegetarian salads next week. I think I’ll skip the cheese and make them vegan, actually, given that cheese is not a low-calorie food. The fasting has become somewhat annoying; I just don’t like not eating at all for an entire day two or three days per week (who would?}, so I think I may either not fast at all next week or only fast for two days.

It’s sunk in that I’m not going to reach my goal in the time I intended to reach it. There have just been too many slip-ups, and my progress lately has really stalled. I’ll “reset” next week, though, and hopefully get back on track. I’m tempted to try the ketogenic route, but I really hate the idea of not eating my apples or skipping the hummus on my salads. We’ll see how next week goes and decide from there.

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