Yesterday (Thursday) was supposed to be similar to Tuesday in terms of eating. I’d planned to have an apple, some almonds, and some blueberries for a light evening meal. But, after another barely tolerable day at work was ruined by some shitty input at the end, I decided I needed some ice cream. So, I made yet another unplanned stop at the grocery store after work and picked up a pint of ice cream and a few other sugary items that I’m too embarrassed to actually list. I’d intended to get just the ice cream, but, as I’ve said before, sugar is like a drug for me: it soothes me. Anyway, I arrived home and dug in. I did manage to eat my apple and some almonds in between sugar doses, but the night was ruined in terms of sustaining the calorie deficit that I’d maintained during the day. Or so I thought…
Dumping a load of sugar into my body when I haven’t been consuming it regularly always makes me feel a bit sick. My stomach will feel uncomfortable, and sometimes I’ll get a headache. What happened last night was an extreme response: I actually got sick. After laying down for a bit, my stomach emitted a sound I’ve never heard from it before. It sounded almost like a loud tear (I know that’s not what happened, but that’s what it sounded like), and almost immediately after that, I actually began to feel nauseous.
When I got up to go to the bathroom, I also felt the need to evacuate my bowels (gross, I know, but that’s what was happening). I sat down on the toilet and from my body came a mass of nearly liquid poop (ewww). Almost immediately after I was finished, I felt like I was going to throw up, so I stood up and promptly did so. Three times. The end result was that everything I’d eaten came out of me.
I don’t know how a large ingestion of sugar could cause such a reaction, especially so quickly. It’s possible, I guess, that the BBQ brisket I’d eaten the night before was bad, and the sugar I’d consumed irritated my stomach just enough to expel it. Or maybe the ice cream was bad (I made the mistake of grabbing a pint that showed signs of having previously melted). I really don’t know. However, on the positive side, I didn’t gain any weight. In fact, I lost a pound compared to the day before. Obviously, I would never intentionally force myself to vomit in an attempt to expel an unhealthy meal; that would be bulimia, and I have no desire to add to my list of psychological disorders.
Anyway, I feel better today. It’s Friday, and as a reward for making it through another miserable week of work, I’m going to treat myself to P. Terry’s. It’ll be my only meal of the day, so I may actually lose a bit of wait. We’ll see.