This weekend was not a good one. I gained a total of five pounds (three on Saturday and two on Sunday). I had a lot of sugar (chocolate, ice cream, and a peanut butter and chocolate shake) and flour (some pizza, too many scones, and a couple of brownies), so it’s no surprise that I gained weight. When I actually just read what I consumed, it seems that the past two days consisted of nothing but unrestrained unhealthy eating.

Most of the weekend was really stressful due to friend issues, but it didn’t start out that way, and I still picked up things I shouldn’t have at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and HEB. (That I visited three different grocery stores over two days was obviously excessive). I guess I’ve learned yet another lesson about how dangerous the weekends can be in terms of minding what I eat.

I’m going to try to be on my best behavior for the next two weeks to see if I can lose 15 pounds. I have to get back on track, and getting below the 240-pound mark would not only provide a significant boost in confidence but a huge sense of relief. According to my scale, I haven’t been in the 230-pound range in over two and a half years.

I think this will have to be a short post. My brain is in a rather perturbed state due to the friend issues, so I’m not terribly focused. Hopefully those issues will be resolved over the course of the week, or I’ll just accept them and move on. I’m trying to minimize the stress in my life because it directly impacts my eating habits, but I can only control so much, so I need to learn how to not pay so much attention to the things I can’t control.

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